Thursday, July 11, 2013

The craft of sewing

I have been doing a lot of sewing lately. It is one of my favorite things to do - I love that I can sew some fabric together and it can turn into something cute and useful. As an aside, please check out my new etsy shop and tell ALL your friends!! I am making lots of stuff for fairs this fall - so will be posting new things to my shop soon. ( The past few weeks I have been working on two quilts - small lap quilts. I measure, measure again, make sure my ruler is straight on my cutting mat, measure one more time and then cut. I have found, that no matter how much I measure and how careful I am when I sew the seam allowances, I am NEVER able to get all the corners to match up exactly. I know that there are quilters out there that would rip the seams out and start over, but I am not one of them. Especially with a 3 year old running around in the background.

So, thinking about all the seams that didn't match up - not matter how hard I tried - made me think of my life with Kevin and S. Or just my life in general. If things turned out as I expected, they would be a lot different than they are now. I never thought I would lose my mom at 57. The latest I thought I would get married was 30 - let alone 38. AND, I was going to have a bunch of kids...hmmm. Didn't even come close to how things worked out.

I love both of these little quilts - I love the colors, how they lay, and that they are handmade. I love the littles that I have made them for - I love thinking about them snuggling up with the quilt and taking it to bed. I love that, hopefully, these quilts will give comfort. In spite of the corners that don't line up.

Yes, that is how our lives have come together. Not all of our corners line up - we can chose to rip it out and try again, or just make peace with it and let that little bit of imperfection comfort us and remind us that better things are to come! And, despite the messy corners and things not turning out just as I wanted - my reality is more than I could have ever dreamed up! I have a caring a compassionate husband that loves me dearly and a sweet little boy that calls me "mama." It is perfection to me...despite all the bumps we have encountered. That is what I have been thinking on the last few days...

Playing on a rope swing at Farmer Ben's

Nothing really new with S's case - we continue to wait and hope that he will remain with us for years to come. It is looking very positive, so that is good. He is growing to be a big boy. He was just telling me, yesterday, that he is a "little grown-up." Not even a big boy anymore. Learning all kinds of stuff and becoming more independent all the time. Such a big little grown-up!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

When did that happen??

I was laying in bed last night, a little sad even, because S turned three today. I know, I hear seasoned moms say it all the time "the time goes too fast" or "make sure not to rush - before you know it he will be all grown up." So we haven't! We have tried to relish in all the little moments and tried to keep a slow pace of life. And still - the time has gone too quickly. Out little guy is three. Three. That is a big boy - no more baby fat and rolls on him. He is talking - all the time - in complete sentences and really understanding concepts. Well - except I have a friend that is pregnant right now. I have been talking to him about it - how the baby is going to come soon and we will have a new little friend. S seems to think that this mama "ate" her baby - and that is why she is still in her tummy. We are working on that one still...

We have an important day coming up this Wednesday - big decisions will be made in court regarding his case. These decisions will determine long-term plans, so PLEASE pray for us and his bio-mom on that day. Or, even better, start praying right now!! :) The case, as we understand, is being heard at 9am. We will not be present - it is better for us not to be at this one. I will post as soon as I know an outcome - thanks, in advance, for your prayers.

The big three year old boy. (sigh)